
Have You Counted The Cost Of Being A Follower?

Lately, I've been waking up early in the morning tending to my nephew, due to his unearthly feeding time. It had not been easy as I looked at my him when he opened his mouth and gave me an earful, craving for his four-hourly fix. What used to be a novelty began to sink like the Titanic. If only I wish I could have a intravenous auto feed right into his mouth, that would have given us extra snooze time.
Come to think of it, the Bible tells us that we were once baby that needed milk more than solid food. We needed liquified food so that we can digest well, not get choked.
In my younger days, when I was a new believer, I was zealous for Him. I couldn't care what it takes to follow Jesus, as long as I knew it was pleasing in His sight. I was like a bull charging towards the matador, the prize of my target. Well, as you know, in the process of charging towards him, I've got pricked and poked, and probably killed too! The price that I paid for being a follower got higher. No wonder Paul exhorted this word to the church in Philippi, "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21. What matters most for him was the life that he had, is not as important as to know His Savior, who gave His all for all.
Have you counted the cost of following Jesus? Stop counting! Let's get out of control. He is in control of your life.

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