
Moses And His Stiff-Neck Followers

I read Numbers 12 to 16 recently. God spoke to me about a bunch of people whose attitude sucks. Moses was leading this group of people for they had just come out of Egypt. Imaging being excited because God spoke about the promise land that they were about to enter. If they were not stiff-neck people, then I really don't know how to describe this bunch! Scary that even if God will to perform a major miracle in front of them, they will still be cursing at Him.

Wave after wave of complains spewing out of their mouth, making Moses miserable throughout the journey. Hey, we're not just talking about a small bunch of people, but a host of them! If I'm in Moses' shoe, I would have quitted long ago, asking why God can still tolerate such people and of all places, in the desert. Let them perish and see whether they can live without God leading them. Ha!

Then my eyes laid upon what Moses did....he pleaded on behalf of all these ingrates. What a man! I mean, has he got to do this? These are bunch of rebels, going against what God would have wanted for them. If not for the words from Moses, God would have done more terrible things to these Israelites.

Wait a minute! God spoke. "Wouldn't you be just like them? rebellious and ungrateful?" God's word really pierced my heart. I had just discover some truths about rebellion – it exists in every heart. Rebellion goes a long way back. It is as old as the Garden of Eden. What did God say to Adam and Eve about one tree in the middle of the garden? Well, you can eat any fruits of any trees, but you can’t touch this tree. Yes, they chose to rebel by eating the fruits from the only tree that God told them not to eat. The book of proverbs says, “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child” (22:15). Yes, it’s part of our sinful nature to want to do something foolish (to rebel). You know something, this is not what we have learnt, but it comes from within.

Rebellion has many sources. Most rebellion is based upon half-truths. In verse 3 of Numbers 16, the rebels fought against the idea of equality among the people of the nation of Israel. Korah accused Moses and Aaron for exalting themselves in the midst of the people. Yes, we are all equal, but we can never be the same. God gave us some as leaders, while some will be followers. Are we the same?

Six Sources of Rebellion

First source would be Jealousy.
2nd source – Delusions of Grandeur. Verse 4.
3rd source – Ungratefulness. Verse 9.
4th source – Stubbornness. Verse 12.
5th source – Disappointment. Verse 13.
6th source – Distrust. Verse 14.

And finally, rebellion leads to bad consequences. There are at least four consequences await those who rebel.
1)Withdrawal of leadership.
2)Innocent people are indirectly also affected.
3)The guilty will be condemned. Verses 28 to 35.
4)It is like a infectious disease that will spread rapidly and will infect many people. Hebrews 12:15.

Ultimately, rebellion is against God. Rejecting the authority that God has placed is actually rejecting God. It will bring huge consequences upon our lives.

Lord, remove my stiff-neck and break my spirit.


1) What animals could Noah not trust? The Cheetah

2) What kind of lights did Noah use on the ark? Flood Lights

3) How many animals did Noah bring into the empty ark? One, after which it would not be empty.

4) Why couldn't they play cards on Noah's Ark? Because Noah was sitting on the deck.

5) What day in human life was the longest? Adam's first day. It has no Eve

6) Where is the first example of maths in the Bible? God divided the light from the darkness

7) Where is the second example of maths in the Bible? God told Adam to go forth and multiply

8) What was the difference between the ten thousand soldiers of Israel and the three hundred Gideon chose for battle? 9,700 soldiers

9) Why was Moses buried in the land of Moab? He was dead

10) Who spoke when he was just a baby? Job. He cursed the day he was born

11) Who was the fastest runner in the Bible? Adam. He was first in the human race

12) What two things could Samson never have for breakfast? Lunch & dinner

13) Where was Solomon's temple? On the side of his head

14) Who in the Bible was a very lazy person? The boy who loaf and fishes

15) Where did the Israelites keep their money? The Bank of Jordan


Would I Know You Now?

Here's a song written by Wayne Watson in 1986. It's one of my favourite song from the past. Feels ancient here, but the lyrics are really worth mentioning. I pray that you will not walk by and not feel His presence in your life. Know Him as a personal Friend, Redeemer and Saviour.

Would I know You now, if You walked into the room
If You stilled the crowd, if Your light dispelled the gloom
And if I saw Your wounds, touch your thorn pierced brow
I wonder if I'd know You now
Would I know You know, if You walked into this place
Would I cause You shame, would my games be Your disgrace
Or would I worship You, fall upon my face
I wonder if I'd know You now

Or have the images I've painted
So distorted who You are
That even if the world was looking
They could not see You, the real You
Have I changed the true reflection
To fulfill my own design
Making You what I want
Not showing You forth divine

Would I miss You now, if You left and close the door
Would my flesh cry out, "I don't need You anymore."
Or would I follow You, seek to be restored
I wonder, I wonder will I ever learn
I wonder, would I know You now

Try This If You Can

See if you can answer all these questions.

1) What animals could Noah not trust?

2) What kind of lights did Noah use on the ark?

3) How many animals did Noah bring into the empty ark?

4) Why couldn't they play cards on Noah's Ark?

5) What day in human life was the longest?

6) Where is the first example of maths in the Bible?

7) Where is the second example of maths in the Bible?

8) What was the difference between the ten thousand soldiers of Israel and the three hundred Gideon chose for battle?

9) Why was Moses buried in the land of Moab?

10) Who spoke when he was just a baby?

11) Who was the fastest runner in the Bible?

12) What two things could Samson never have for breakfast?

13) Where was Solomon's temple?

14) Who in the Bible was a very lazy person?

15) Where did the Israelites keep their money?

Answers will be out shortly in the next posting.