
Have you talked to God recently?

Attended the G12 on Thursday night. Sigh....realised that we've come to a point of no return.
What used to be 15 members has now dwindled to 7 of us. Sadly, the discussion level has gone down. Reticent at times, can't imagine the deafening silence breaks out like a roar.
Then came the question, how was our prayer life? Have we started to pray like there's no tomorrow? If not, why are we in this stalmate?
I'm determined to do what's right! Learning to be resolute in what Jesus has conmissioned us to do as His disciples. Pray, pray and pray....
God, our heavenly Father, even as the G12 members resolve to pray for one another, I ask that You, O God will watch over us. Discipline us like You discipline your own children, for we are not illigitimate sons and daughters. Teach us to pray at all times, in season and out of season. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen!

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