
Mobile Phone - helpful or just a pain in the neck?

Recently, I challenged my cell members to fast from the most crucial item in their lives. No, not food, but their mobile phones! Like it or not, mobile phones are fast becoming an item that sticks to our body like a leech. Yup, you've read it correctly, a LEECH!. You use it too often and it is going to suck the life out of you! You hear the adage, can't leave home without it. I would like to add, can't stay at home without it too!
I was driving the other day and what I saw really drove me to gave this challenge to them. This young chap was using his mobile phone SMSing his friends while crossing the road, oblivious to what's happening around him. Just then, a driver honked at him to hurry up his process of crossing the road and lo and behold, he held up his middle finger at the driver. Such cheek! If it not for the driver's impatience to get to his destination, he would have got down and gave that young chap a five-knuckle sandwiches!
Basically, what I'm trying to teach my cell members is to rely less on faceless communication and be real and true to one another. Too many times, because of the convenience of mobile phone communication, we think it is ok to just "pass on" the information without realizing how the other party felt. I am an advocate of face-to-face communication. That's how you know and feel for that person, the expression that is on that person's face really help us to connect and bond. To know a person well requires time and effort, to burn some energy, to get our butt going. You will realize that doing all these will help us to want to know people even better. You want to know more friends, go and do it the personal way!
Though this fasting from mobile phone is but just a week, I believe it is not just a mindless exercise, but I think it help us to appreciate friends better, to exercise our spiritual discipline so that we can learn to overcome this over-reliance on things that we have taken granted for in life, our mobile phone.


It's so good to hear that!

Well, I do believe in miracles. Learnt a new lesson from Dr Frederick Toke this week. No problems, no miracles, no breakthrough.
Heard from Northbrooks that they will continue with the Sat's BB parade in spite of the 5 day work-week. Amen! That means opportunities coming my way. Not only will I be able to come for both companies parade, but that will give me much more breathing space to spend time with Boys in 62nd & 87th. That is to say that Orchid Park will be operating on weekdays afternoon and Northbrooks on Saturday morning. God closes some windows and doors, but He opens others.
Moral of the story? When everything is down, look up! Your problem ain't too big for God to solve. Cool!


It had to come, sooner or later....but not that soon? Or is it?

Received a bomb this morning. All CCAs will not be functioning on Saturday morning. Well, still trying to let it sink into my thick skull. The speed on which it came caught me by surprise. Didn't realised that it had to come so soon and so swift. Reminded me of the parable of the ten Virgins.....you better be prepared or else you won't get to feast with the bride and the groom! Where's your extra flask of oil.....how can you not be prepared for this? This thought has been chipping at the back of my mind ever since that bomb dropped on my lap. I guess there is only one thing to do now, and that is to go back to the drawing board and seek the Lord's direction on this.......ok Lord, what do I do now?????


Have you talked to God recently?

Attended the G12 on Thursday night. Sigh....realised that we've come to a point of no return.
What used to be 15 members has now dwindled to 7 of us. Sadly, the discussion level has gone down. Reticent at times, can't imagine the deafening silence breaks out like a roar.
Then came the question, how was our prayer life? Have we started to pray like there's no tomorrow? If not, why are we in this stalmate?
I'm determined to do what's right! Learning to be resolute in what Jesus has conmissioned us to do as His disciples. Pray, pray and pray....
God, our heavenly Father, even as the G12 members resolve to pray for one another, I ask that You, O God will watch over us. Discipline us like You discipline your own children, for we are not illigitimate sons and daughters. Teach us to pray at all times, in season and out of season. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen!


The mother of all absurdity!

Watched the Singapore idol on TV after the National Day parade. Have I not mentioned that things can go from bad to worst?
And you thought that nothing can be worst off than William Hung.......in came contestant from our very doorsteps.......the dead will flip from their grave!
How do I first describe the inate and the pukey? We have arrived at the deepest abyss of all human insolent....we have actually gone way too low for such indescribable acts, the mother of all absurdity.
To all the contestants, if you have the talent, good luck to you! If you don't have, spare us the agony, I have nothing more to puke!


Grief that will not last

Where do babies go when they die? I, for one, am seeking an answer that is not easy to find.
It is with sadness and profound grief that Barnabas gave up his fight. Perhaps God wants him to go home, or perhaps God has a purpose and plan for everything that He has done. Grief and sadness may be here, but it will not last. God will wipe away all the tears, take away his pain and sufferings. Yes, our God is a faithful God, for He has compassion upon His children.


Do what is good, not what you fancy to be good!

Have you ever wonder why we must do good? Or have you thought of doing something evil and get away with it? It's harder to do good than to perform evil, but at what price?

I marvel at what God would say to us, "So you think that I'm not watching? Wait till you come to my flashback omni-presence theatre, and I will show you what you have done for the lifetime that you've been on earth!"

Oops! God: 1, devil: 0.

"The wicked are not so, but they are like chaff which the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish."

Psalms 1 : 4 - 6

Have Your own way, Lord

Yes Lord, I surrender everything to You. Even my best kept secrets. You and I makes the majority. Have Your own way, Lord!


Eeeeeks! I feel the draft coming....or is it winds of change?

I feel so foreign here! Haven't been blogging for quite sometime.

This week has been a whirlwind tour of strained concentration and emotions...literally! So much things happened. Firstly, received news that we're moving our office with no new premises in sight....talk about walking by faith! And to add to the twist, we have to leave by 10th August....alas! our office equipment are very much at Blk 924 and taken root. looking at all the things we have to move makes me drained out and flat. So the work has started.....looking for movers...get the office air-cons out of 924....to packing every little item that is straddling on every corner of the office. Help us O God, won't You have mercy on us?

Attended a funeral cremation of someone I didn't even knew this afternoon. Ps. Gordon conducted the service at the new Crematorium in Mandai. He wanted me to go and see how he does his part in conducting such services for non-believers. It's strange to be in such a atmosphere, highly-charged emotions so alienated from where I was standing. Knowing that the deceased committed suicide due to intense stress in her work makes me to remark that people worked themselves to death. As all the family members and colleagues grieved over the deceased, I can't help but think whether the deceased would go to Heaven as she hasn't even give her life to Jesus. Much to think and ponder about!

God of Heaven and Earth, judge of the living and the dead. I pray that You O Lord, will show Your compassion and mercy to the deceased, that even as Your children stand in the gap to pray and intercede for all, that Your love will continue to pour forth even to the love ones that are left behind and to those who attended the cremation service, that You touch them withYour everlasting love, remove their hardened hearts so that they will know that there is a God who cares even for one like us. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen!


It's good to know that God doesn't hold grudges against us, no matter how bad we are or how many times we sin against Him. Watching the Passion of The Christ gave me a new dimension of what God's love is really like. He always forgive and do not hold back His love for us. That explains why Jesus, no matter how bad He was treated on earth, didn't give up, but went all the way to the cross to pay for the penalty of our sins. The constant flogging and beating became too much to bear. If I was in His shoe, I would have died on the first flogging. The intensity of the pain was too much for me to bear, let alone the number of flogging on His bare back. The blood that He shed covers a multitude of sins. Lord Jesus, You are truly the Son of God!


Ok, I give up. What's on your mind, if you will forgive the exaggerations! I have come to a point where you will always move three steps forward and end up losing two steps backward. What is happening to me? Where is the passion that started out in my life? I suppose the things I have always wanted to do remained undone and unfulfilled. Life's sucks, but what am I to say it? God's way is just and I'm getting what I deserve. Period!
Hi all, I'm new around here. You may call me the new kid on the block. Yup, it is very tiring sometimes staring at the computer screen for amost 3 hrs at one sitting, doing all the typing. Gosh, sounds like I'm almost over the hill! It must be old age. That's life. Oops!